Better than the lottery? Learn about the technology that has already generated up to R$15,350 in one month and see how to test it

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Lotteries , such as Mega Sena and Lotofácil, offer the chance to win big prizes with a small investment. However, this is not as easy as it seems .

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Although it may seem like a simple way to make money, in practice, the probability of winning is extremely low.

For example, the probability of a bettor matching all six Mega Sena numbers with a single bet is 1 in 50,063,860 . This value corresponds to a 0.000002% chance of winning.

In Quina , the probability of winning a game of 5 numbers is 1 in 24,040,016, corresponding to a 0.0000042% chance of winning.

In turn, in Lotofácil , the chance of someone getting the main prize is one in 3,268,760 million (approximately 0.0000306%).

Therefore, we can say that winning the lottery is pure luck . With that, the accumulated losses can be significant, as many continue to bet in the hope of a great fortune that rarely arrives.

If you are looking for a more efficient and controlled way to generate extra income, there is a safer alternative that can benefit Brazilians: Nexus Trading , a robot that has already generated up to R$15,350 in one month (an average of R$307 per operation), with greater risk control and a defined strategy.

To find out how to test it, simply register for free on the list of interested.